Why Blog? Why now?

Why Blog? Why now?

(Note: the first part of this post is a draft that I originally wrote in Oct. 2019)

For years, I’ve helped brands, businesses and personalities craft and tell their stories.  It’s second nature for me to tell others how to build their brand. But, in doing that, I neglected my own. That shall be the case no longer. Time to level up and share all the pieces of my beautifully, blessed life.  

No, I don’t regret starting now. Things have to feel right in order for me to dive in.


(Nope, didn’t start the blog then lol. )

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Now, fast forward to today:

So yea, that blog didn’t launch last year like i planned. Not exactly sure what happened… maybe it was something with the website design not being perfect enough. 

It’s been 7 months since then, the world is in the middle of a global pandemic and I’ve been home with my entire family for the last 8 weeks. Lots of writing time lol. I also launched a podcast a few months back, so my personal brand and profile are reaching more people than ever before. I’m still working with PR and communications strategy clients and literally as I write this, I’m recommitting to living a healthy lifestyle (seeing your old weight on the scale after losing almost 10 lbs just a month ago is pretty humbling - but I’ll save that for another post). 

One other reason why I hadn’t launched before was that I didn’t feel like committing to the content creation process. And this is indeed a process. I have endless amounts of respect for people who do this for a living. I do it for my clients, but that’s so different.  When it’s all about you and your business, it’s a task. Sometimes daunting. The idea of having to take notes of film when I’m just trying to work out or go to the store is a lot. 

But, that’s the essence of creating content, and if I’m the owner of a content creator studio, I should also be creating things. I’m taking on the challenge mainly because I have a lot of great things to say. 

I haven’t committed to a post schedule, but I will be smart about repurposing content. Wish me luck!

Love always!

Things I Learned From my PR Clients

My Podcast Picks

My Podcast Picks